coming soon
Addromedias Commissions
please make sure to read my tos before ordering a commission from me!
If you are interested in ordering a commission please contact me on any of my social medias! my socials can be found on my home page
What I Will Draw
most feral animals
Light/mild gore
What I Won’t Draw
nsfw art
anthro characters
(headshots are an exception)heavy gore
super complex designs
anything else not listed above
accepted currencies
• da points
• usd(paypal, cash app, venmo, and ko-fi)
Art Commissions
status: open

Symmetrical Iconsbase price:50¢/50 points✦

headshotsFlat:$2/200 pointsShaded:$4/400 points✦

half bodiesFlat:$6/600 pointsShaded:$8/800 points✦

full bodiesFlat:$10/1000 pointsShaded:$12/1200 points✦

mini scenesbase price:$14/1400 pointsraises $2/200 points for every additional character(limit is 5 characters)